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Labor · Employment Litigation

최근 본 구성원
김우종 변호사는 2014년 법무법인(유) 광장에 합류한 인사 및 노무 분야 및 플랜트건설 전문 외국 변호사 입니다.
법무법인(유) 광장에 앞서, 김우종 변호사는 현대중공업의 사내변호사로서, 중동 플랜트 건설 담당 변호사로 업무를 수행하였습니다. 또한, 미국의 Bryan Cave LLP 법률사무소의 조세 및 복리후생팀의 변호사로 활동하였습니다.
로스쿨 재학 기간 동안에는, 22nd Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri에서 재판서기관 (Law Clerk)으로, St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office에서 Rule-13 Assistant로서 업무를 수행하였고, Washington University Global Studies Law Review의 이사회 에디터로서 활약 하였습니다.
2013 Washington University in St. Louis School of Law - LL.M. in Taxation
2012 Washington University in St. Louis School of Law - J.D.
2006 Cornell University - B.S. (Operations Research & Industrial Engineering)
2014-현재 법무법인(유) 광장(Lee & Ko)
2013 현대중공업
2012-2013 Bryan Cave LLP
2011 St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office
2010-2011 22nd Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri (St. Louis) - Judicial clerk for the Honorable Edward W. Sweeney
2012 외국변호사, 뉴욕주
한국어 및 영어
2024 Rising Star - Asialaw 2024, Labour and Employment
2024 Future Star - Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2024, Labour and Employment
2024 Next generation Partners - Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2024 , Labour and Employment
2024 Band 4 - Chambers Asia Pacific 2024 , Employment
2023 Korea Top 10 Influential HR Lawyers of 2023 – Business Today
2023 Rising Star - Asialaw 2023, Labour and Employment
2023 Future Star - Benchmark Litigation Asia-Pacific 2023, Labour and Employment
2023 Next generation Partners - Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2023 , Labour and Employment
2023 Up and Coming - Chambers Asia Pacific 2023 , Employment
2022 Next generation Partners - Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2022 , Labour and Employment
2022 Up and Coming - Chambers Asia Pacific 2022 , Employment
2020 Rising Star - Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020 edition, Labour and Employment
Legal 500 Employment Law Guide for Korea Chapter (2023), Author
Chambers and Partners Trends and Development (Employment, 2023), Author/Contributor
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index (2023), Author/Contribution – Employment Law
Legal 500 Employment Law Guide for Korea Chapter (2022), Author
Chambers and Partners Trends and Developments (Employment, 2021), Author
Legal 500 Employment Law Guide for Korea Chapter (2021), Author
“Greater Reforms for Promoting Work-life Balance - Changes to the Gender Equal Employment,” Legal 500 (2019)
“Greater Reforms for Promoting Work-life Balance,” International Law Office, (November 2019)
“Changes to Labour Standards Act: National Assembly passes new bill to curb working hours”, International Law Office, (2018)
“Breaking Down the Just-Cause Barrier: A Systematic Approach of Securing Greater Flexibility in Managing Poor Performing Employees”, Legal 500 (August 2016)
Korea Business Leaders Alliance Seminar (2018), “Upcoming Changes on Dispatch Worker Laws”
AMCHAM Human Resources Committee Meeting (2017)
Korea Business Leaders Alliance Seminar (October 13, 2016), “Hiring & Dismissing Key Personnel”