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Hyounghwan JEON

Trade Secret · Company Information Protection

Recently reviewed Professionals
Hyounghwan Jeon is our digital forensic expert. Based on his experience and expertise in IT development and security, he handles digital forensic work, including analyzing evidence from digital and mobile devices relating to corporate activities. In addition, he advises on compliance and audit responses and security incident response work such as hacking. He also performs eDiscovery work.
Representative Cases
Incidents of trade secret infringement between Korean pharmaceutical companies and overseas pharmaceutical companies
Leakage of business secrets in a large paper manufacturing company
Leakage of business secrets in a Korean medical device company
Leakage of business secrets in a Korean robotics company
Leakage of business secrets in a Korean food service company
Leakage of business secrets in a domestic airline company
Leakage of business secrets in a Korean advanced materials company
Hacking incident in a Korean automotive components company
Advise a fast-food company in its response to parliamentary inspection
Regulatory agency investigation response for a Korean portal company
Regulatory agency investigation response for a Korean oil refining company
Regulatory agency investigation response for a Korean cryptocurrency exchange
Regulatory agency investigation response for a general hospital
Regulatory agency investigation response for a Korean accounting firm
Internal management audit for a Korean convenience store company
2012 Konkuk University – M.A. in Information Technology
Work Experience
2003-Present Lee & Ko
2018 Digital Forensic Expert Class 2
2009 Information System Auditor
2009 CISA (Certified Information System Auditor)
Korean and English